RECOmmerce is an Art in Public Space initiative that invites artists to connect with local communities through dialogue. RECOmmerce is a project curated by Lilia Mestre (Bains Connective) and Oonagh Duckworth (The Tinderbox) in collaboration with Duurzaam Wijkcontract Quartier Durable Abbaye Abdij and the Commune of Vorst /Forest department of Dutch Speaking Affairs.
Manifestation Around Place Saint-Denis
Wanted! Have you seen this individual? What is he looking for? What is he asking for? Has he nothing to say? Has he lost his tongue? Does he need to borrow yours? Don’t hesitate to approach him, he is harmless. Ask him questions, suggest answers…You can fill the blank page.
Installation / Place Saint-Denis
A close encounter of a different kind. Look me in the eye and tell me what you think. A project that shifts our perspective of ‘the other’ into a daring, different dimension.
Film / Place Saint-Denis
Come and see ‘a life in the day’ of a mobile grocery store. The encounters, the conversations: the impact it has on a local community…And if we imagine St Denis having the same?
Speed dating
14. & 15., 21. & 22./05/2016 14.00-18.00
Love thy Neighbour. Come and make new friends. 7 minutes to get to know your neighbour.
Job Swap Shop St Denis
14. & 15., 21. & 22.05/2016 14.00-18.00
Ever wanted to try your hand a being a butcher, a baker or a candle•stick maker? Inscribe in the St Denis job swap.
The Kindness Exchange
17. & 24.05/2016 18.00-21.00
You know how to do something: a massage, a manicure, sing a song, stitch a button…offer your services at the Kindness Exchange.
Home Cinema St Denis
18., 25. & 28.05/2016 19.00
A home cinema installation projecting exceptional, topical documentaries and feature films in a setting resembles your own cozy living room, complete with armchairs and popcorn. Before or after the screening a cinema expert will give insight into the film’s political context and the filming techniques used; it’s not the time to remain alone in the dark.
Open Boek Ouvert
19. & 26.05/2016 18.00
A collective reading project organised by De Dagen. Sharpen your mind and relax your tongue! Partici•pants listen to texts, carefully chosen for their beauty and relevance. Open discussions follow of both a personal and political nature. Lead by bilingual journalist Patrick Jordans and followed by a delicious soup.
The Results Restaurant
29.05/2016 14.00-21.00
The results of the projects revealed in the RE-CO shop. Pot luck super.