Parcourir is a series of documentary films jointly directed by Jean-Michel Agius and Oonagh Duckworth.
The first were filmed in the parks Duden and Forest
“Parcourir” à work in progress by Jean-Michel Agius and Oonagh Duckworth
Many thanks to all the participants
Jean-Michel Agius, choreographer and image capturer and Oonagh Duckworth, journalist and jogger, both regular park users, decided to join forces to create a filmed portrait of both the Duden and Forest park throughout the four seasons. Oonagh was fascinated by the glimpses of the lives that chance encounters in the park reveal, the ease with which relative strangers discuss grandiose subjects like life, death, dogs and love and why regular runners like herself have come to regard their daily jog as important as religion or food. Jean-Michel’s concern was innovative imagery, getting ideas to dance in front of the camera and creating incongruous juxtapositions between nature and people. Here we show a few rough results, a mixed bag of notions, a few jokes and quite some failures that, nevertheless, bare witness to the beauty of the parks and the fun we had playing in them.
A few images of the making of the first chapter…Running….
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